September Message from Rev. Telos Whitfield


To be human is to be religious.  To be religious is to make connections.  To lead a meaningful life among the many competing forces of the 21st century, each of us needs support in making meaningful re-connection to the best of our global heritage, the best in each other and the best in ourselves.

Rev. John Buehrens, UUA president 1993-2001:

Dear Ones,

We come together each September for our Ingathering Service, a time of reunion and reflection after what these past summer months have brought. Some of us have experienced challenges and seek comfort. Others have been able to spend time with family or friends and yearn to share stories of the joy of these connections. Still others may have embarked on new paths, discovered unexpected inspiration or simply, hopefully been able to rest in the long days of summer. Many of you have worked hard this summer on various projects and events – running the technical aspects of our services; coordinating worship services, Pave the Way Art Auction, Summer Yard Sale, I91 fundraiser, and more, meetings, events, and the list goes on…. The work of our church doesn’t end. We Thank you. We are blessed to have leaders in our midst and folks that are able to lend a hand. And now, we return together to this, our community of All Souls looking to a new year. What awaits us? What ideas and callings will guide our work? Is there an area of church life that you have never been a part of? Perhaps this is the time to step toward this new area? Do you have a sense of belonging and kinship? We hope you do! We hope that each of us does, for a spiritual community can offer this vital human connection and companionship. But we are in relationship with each other and the work of our church. We need to give of ourselves and then reach out to receive. And even if you feel that all you can give at this moment is your presence, we see you. If you have ideas about care and stewardship of our building and land, we are open to listening! If you have thoughts on ways to improve our communication, ways to support each other and stay connected, we welcome your involvement. A community is healthy and whole if each person feels they are seen and heard, and that they Belong. Belonging is the SoulMatters theme for September so we will explore what it means to belong in our community of All Souls and beyond – within the community you live in and as a part of the whole world of beings. I am inspired to begin another year serving as your minister.

With Gratitude and Blessings,

Rev. Telos