The ASC Board invites members, friends and their families to an Independence Day & Social Justice Celebration. We are planning a fun event with good food, drinks and conversation. Drinks, watermelon and a grill will be provided. We will be picnicking outside on the front lawn of All Souls Church and there will be activities for children. If it rains we will enjoy a great meal and gathering indoors.
Bring a potluck dish to share, something for the grill if you’d like, and your thoughts on social justice. We will celebrate being together and our social justice work of the past year. We will also begin the process of identifying organizations with which to share our Sunday morning offering through Share-the-Plate and consider how we might organize ourselves for social justice activities in the year ahead. We expect to wrap up in plenty of time for people to travel to Living Memorial Park or other communities for fireworks displays.
Please contact Carla Fogg to let her know you are coming (so we can have a rough count for set up) or if you have questions or ideas to share. She can be reached at 802-258-7535 or .
This will be the first of two conversations planned this summer. Our next gathering will be Sunday, August 13.