Message From Rev. Telos
You are in the story of the world.
You are the world coming to know itself.
May you trust that all you will ever say or do
Belongs in the story of the world.
by Ean Huntington Behr
Dear ones,
We celebrate the women of our history this month, and throughout the year. So many to remember, and we imagine that the path we are on was created and forged by their dedication, work, inspiration and resilience.
We remember Unitarian Margaret Fuller, born in 1810, an author, teacher, feminist, and revolutionary who was influential in the Transcendentalist movement. She was best known for writing the first American manifesto for women’s equality, “Woman of the Nineteenth Century,” published in 1845. We remember Sophia Lyon Fahs, educator and author of 40 books, who had a vision for children’s Religious Education that revolutionized the classes and education for so many young ones in our faith. And we honor the memory of Viola Gregg Liuzzo, “a UU layperson and mother of five children from Detroit, MI. Passionate about racial justice issues, she traveled to Selma, AL to participate in the marches of 1965. While transporting marchers in her car, she was shot and killed by members of the Ku Klux Klan. Today, she is remembered as a martyr for the civil rights movement, and is honored along with Jimmie Lee Jackson and Rev. James Reeb on the Selma Memorial plaque at UUA headquarters.” We remember these women and so many more who shine a light on the way that history/herstory is created; through vision and dedication.
We explore the theme of Trust by asking what it means to trust ourselves and each other, to deeply listen to the experiences of those around us. It isn’t always, or perhaps ever, that easy to trust as it involves a relationship with truth; sharing, admitting the truth to ourselves and then trusting that the dear ones around us are open and able to hear our truth, to see us as we are. We are living through a time in our country where the search for truth and meaning is at the forefront. What or who can we trust? What do we know to be true? This community and other faith communities that embrace welcome and inclusion are becoming even more vital as havens, sanctuaries where we can explore and trust together.
We will host another Brattleboro Interfaith Supper and Conversation on Friday, March 7th so come if you can. I believe it takes courage to put our trust, our faith in what we know and believe, and to strengthen the circle of our larger faith community, especially in this time. May we trust that all we will ever say or do belongs in the story of the world. (Ean Huntington Behr) Our stories, our experiences belong in the story of the world, and help to strengthen the paths and vision that will lead us on.
Blessings, Rev. Telos