Adult Programs
The ASC Book Group
All adults who enjoy discussing thought provoking books are welcome to join this self directed group. Not all of those who attend are part of the Church. At present they meet on Wednesday afternoons at 4 pm, but that is subject to change, by a vote of the group. Check the ASC Church calendar.
Books to be read are also chosen by the group, and range as widely as the interests of the group. The leaders are volunteers from within the group. Often there is a presentation by some of the readers at a worship service to share what they have learned.
Click here for more information
The Social and Environmental Action Committee
SEAC invites speakers and presenters of workshops to provide a variety of experiences for both the Church and wider community on topics related to social and environmental justice. They are announced in the newsletter, listed under events, scheduled on the calender and publicized in local media.
The Caring Circle
This committee provides support in times of challenge for individuals within the church family, but also recognizes the need for educating ourselves on coping with the many challenges of of being human. Films, lectures and workshops are occasionally offered. They are announced in the newsletter, listed under events, scheduled on the calender and publicized in local media.
Small Group Ministry
The Small Group Ministry program deepens and broadens personal spiritual growth. This is done through five components:
- Listening: Deep listening is a gift for both the speaker and the listener. A connection forms when we share and give this gift to each other.
- Worship: Worship is central to the life of our congregation. Small Group Ministry augments and strengthens our shared experience.
- Community: Small groups meet the need for connection and intimacy that is both a hunger in our society and essential to the ongoing life of a spiritual/religious community.
- Learning: People come to the church seeking spiritual growth, seeking to know themselves better, to grow into their understanding of the sacred and to ponder the age old questions of faith: how to live, what to believe, how to act, what meanings we can decipher from the mystery of life.
- Service: A life of faith is a life of service. As human beings, we seek to be of use, and a healthy congregation needs to provide avenues through which we may serve.
Women’s Gathering