Voices and Choices

Since the pandemic began, we’ve been urged to “stay home and stay safe.” But what if home isn’t a safe place? Women experiencing domestic violence may be at greater risk now than ever. This service, presented by the Social and Environmental Action Committee, highlights the work of the Women’s Freedom Center, with whom we will be sharing our June offerings. Shari, an advocate for the Center, will tell us how the WFC is supporting survivors during the quarantine, and how all of us as bystanders can support survivors we might encounter in our limited forays into the community.


Join the service about 10 a.m. by clicking on this link.


Order of Service


Voices and Choices”

Welcome and Board Greeting

Prelude # 2, George Gershwin

Chalice Lighting

Opening Words

Reading: “Turning the Fear of Transformation Into the Transformation of Fear” by Danaan Perry

Hymn: “I Know I Can”

Story For All Ages: “I Am A Warrior Goddess” by Jennifer Adams

Special Music: “Ella’s Song” by Ella Baker

Guest Speaker: Shari, Community Outreach Advocate for the Women’s Freedom Center

Offertory: “Die Gedanken Sind Frei” (Alsatian Folk Song)

Meditation on Joys and Sorrows

Reading: “The Journey” by Mary Oliver

Hymn: “How Could Anyone Ever Tell You”

Extinguishing the Chalice

Closing Circle