Expressive Arts: An Elixir for Our Times

Expressive Arts: An ElixIr for our Times

Darlene Jenson, Leslie Kinney, Laura Lawson Tucker—Theatre Adventure

Join Theatre Adventure as we experience the power of song, music, poetry, color exploration, movement, and sound to awaken our senses. Our muse? Connecting with nature.

We expect our journey in the expressive arts during this on-line service might offer surprise opportunities for connecting with self and others.

This interactive multi-generational service will be woven together with a parallel story describing the Theatre Adventure online summer three-week foray into the expressive arts. There were many welcomed surprises for students and teachers alike— an alchemy occurred, delight and joy were in abundance.

Please bring either colored pencils, or crayons, or markers, and paper to the on-line service.


“Expressive Arts: An Elixir for our Times”

Order of Service, Sunday, August 23, 2020

Arrival music: Long a Growing Gentle Birdsong 

Welcome and Announcements from Board MemberRon Niswander

Prelude: “Gather in Love”

Lighting the Chalice
Inhale possibility, exhale creativity.”  ~Laura Jaworski 

Opening Words:  Awakening the Senses

“Grooving Away at Theatre Camp”

Our Story– Expressive Arts—an invitation for expansion of self, deepening of community, and nourishment of spirit

Moving Together “Birds in Flight”

Meditation:  Welcoming the Quiet and Connecting with Nature our Muse

“There are times when we stop, we sit still.  We listen and        breezes from a whole other world begin to whisper.” 
~ James Carroll
Offering: Shared with Brattleboro Area Hospice

Offertory      “Forest Dance” 

Joys & Sorrows

Expressing Self with our Gift for Creation 

    “Let the beauty you love be what you do.”  ~Rumi
Community Art-Making

Returning and Sharing our Feast~a Quilt of Creative Expression
“Morning has Broken” 
Closing Message/Extinguishing the Chalice
Inhale possibility, exhale creativity.”  ~Laura Jaworski 
Closing Circle: “Carry the flame of peace and love until we meet again.” (Sing 2 times)
Hand Sandwich Good-Bye “Possibilities”
(Stay and dance, or leave during the song)