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In these challenging times, there are divides between people that can feel immense and hard to navigate. How do we heal divisions and embrace difference that can strengthen our community and ourselves?
“Healing Divisions, Embracing Difference”
Click right here Sunday shortly before 10:00 AM to join our online service.
Order of Service
Sunday, November 8, 2020
Prelude Come Sunday Duke Ellington
Eva Greene, piano
Chalice Lighting by Richard Gilbert
O flaming chalice, symbol of a free faith,
Burn with the holy oil of helpfulness and service.
Spread warmth and light and hope;
Warm hearts grown cold with indifference;
Light dark places with justice; rekindle hope in despair.
May we bring fuel for thy fire of love.
May the oil of loving kindness flow from us to thy leaping flame.
May hands of service shelter thee,
That no winds of hate may extinguish thy brightness.
May thy light and warmth be eternal.
May we be keepers of thy flame.
Opening Words
Opening Hymn #1018 Come and Go with Me
African-American spiritual
Sung and produced by Steve Squires
Unison Affirmation
“Love is the spirit of this congregation and
service is its call. let this be our covenant:
to dwell together in peace,
to seek the truth in love,
and to help one another.”
My Path to All Souls Church – Ian Hefele
Special Music – One Day Matisyahu
sung and produced by Steve Squires
Sharing a Story for All of Us
Responsive Reading – Together in a Sacred Space
words of Lorelei Greenwood-Jones
Leader: In this sacred place, we need not be alone. We seek a listening ear, a warm heart, open arms.
Congregation: In this sacred place, we join together against the waves of negativity and oppression in our world.
L: We are a community of individual beings, living our own lives, yet coming together now and then in joyous celebration of Spirit and one another.
C: Our differences do not divide us; rather, they are a source of interest and discovery. We need not think alike to love alike.
L: Here, joys are shared, and sorrows comforted. We are Seen and Heard and Believed.
C: My compassion overflows; our hearts reach for others.
L: We are a gathering of like-hearted people, and here are our hearts filled. We hear the wisdom and counsel of one another.
C: We have much to learn from each other, so many different colors of truth and ways and methods.
L: In this sacred place, may we find what our spirits desire, and what our spirits need. May we be grounded in love and sharing.
C: In this sacred place, may we find acceptance and consideration. May our actions and words echo what we learn here.
Leader: In this sacred place, we need not be alone. We seek a listening ear, a warm heart, open arms.
Congregation: In this sacred place, we join together against the waves of negativity and oppression in our world.
L: We are a community of individual beings, living our own lives, yet coming together now and then in joyous celebration of Spirit and one another.
C: Our differences do not divide us; rather, they are a source of interest and discovery. We need not think alike to love alike.
L: Here, joys are shared, and sorrows comforted. We are Seen and Heard and Believed.
C: My compassion overflows; our hearts reach for others.
L: We are a gathering of like-hearted people, and here are our hearts filled. We hear the wisdom and counsel of one another.
C: We have much to learn from each other, so many different colors of truth and ways and methods.
L: In this sacred place, may we find what our spirits desire, and what our spirits need. May we be grounded in love and sharing.
C: In this sacred place, may we find acceptance and consideration. May our actions and words echo what we learn here.
Sermon – Healing Divisions, Embracing Difference
Hymn #1002 Comfort Me by Mimi Bornstein
sung by Christina Gibbons
Offertory “Patchwork Quilt” for dulcimer by Tom Baehr
produced by Tom Baehr and Daniel Kasnitz
Blessing The Candles of Joy and Concern
Closing Hymn #300 With Heart and Mind
sung by Marie Gorst
Extinguishing the Chalice
Closing Circle Song
“Carry the flame of peace and love until we meet again.”
(sung 2 times)
Conversation and Coffee Hour