The Worship Team is responsible for Sunday services whenever the minister is not in the pulpit. Our mission is to offer welcoming and nourishing worship experiences. Presently our minister is contracted for two Sundays a month. Other Sundays may see a lay leader or a guest preacher or speaker providing the service. Worship associates provide assistance to both the minister and other speakers. They may be asked to take part in lighting the chalice, doing readings, taking the collection, leading songs, or setting up the sanctuary for worship. The Worship Team meets monthly.  Current members: Marty Shaw, Jody McAssey, Christina Gibbons, Karen Tyler, Janis Chaillou, Maisie Crowther, Mary Moriarty, Trish Murtha, Liz Moore, Eva Greene, Tom Baehr, Rev. Telos Whitfield, ex officio

More information about our worship services

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