Make A Stewardship Commitment
…In A Beloved Community Where We Are Inspired to Serve Our Neighbors And Each Other
We call Members and Friends to be financial stewards of All Souls Church. We invite you to be intentional and thoughtful about your gifts. During our annual Stewardship Campaign in March, we ask you to make a personally meaningful gift of support.
An effective way is to pledge, which allows you to plan an annual promise throughout the fiscal year. (Our fiscal year runs from July 1 to June 30.) Another way to give support is through a one-time gift during the Stewardship Campaign.
Your pledge or one-time gift will fund our daily operations and ensure that the Church and its resources are here for all of us — so we can continue to nurture one another in our Church community, make a difference in our larger Vermont community and positively impact the world.
Please consult the UUA Fair Share Contribution Guide as you consider your giving level.
To make your pledge please fill out the online form below, or if you prefer, you can get a paper form at the church and return it to the All Souls Church Office in person or via mail at P.O. Box 2297, West Brattleboro, Vt. 05303.
Thank you for supporting All Souls Church and its mission and ministries!
How To Pay Your Pledge
Pledges may be paid with automatic bank payments, check, or cash in pledge envelopes available at ASC. Checks should be made out to All Souls Church, with the word “pledge” on the memo line, and mailed to All Souls Church, P.O. Box 2297, West Brattleboro, Vt. 05303.
You may also use the on-line donation form here. If you use the donation form to pay your pledge, be sure to check the “My Pledge Only” box on the form.
2025 – 2026 Stewardship Commitment
To make a pledge online, just fill out the form below and click the “Submit” button at the bottom.