Finding Your Niche

In a functional family everyone has a role to play, and the same is true in our All Souls Church family. Some roles (chores?) have to be done every week, and newcomers are always welcome to join in the fun. See the form at the  bottom of this page.

Helping with Coffee Hour, during set up before Church, taking the food out as the service ends, and cleaning up afterwards is always a great place to start. Contributions of food are always welcome, from things like cookies and crackers which can be stored until needed, or fresh fruit and home baking, cheeses, hummus, veggies and so on which will disappear quickly.

A job like assistant greeter is one which can be learned pretty quickly and Kathy Squires will be happy to match you up with an old hand (there is a bit more to it than handing out orders of service and smiling). Another job for Sunday morning is Worship Associate, which involves the physical set up for the Worship Service to begin with and grows to acting as reader, chalice lighter, and guide for guest speakers.

With the Holiday Bazaar happening usually the first weekend in December, November offers a bonanza of jobs for volunteers, and almost every task has a role for the newcomer. Mondays involve baking and crafting, and are easy to break into whether or not you consider yourself experienced. The Thursday before the Bazaar will be set up day, involving everything from stringing up lights outdoors to moving furniture and pricing items, bagging cookies to making signs. On Bazaar days, Friday ( 3- ?) and Saturday ( 9 to 2), there are customers to greet and assist, supper and lunch to be served, payment to be collected, children to be amused, and finally clean up and set up for the net day’s church service.

Building and Grounds is more a collective than a committee. There are seasonal clean up days (see calendar) where everyone is expected to show up, but also specific tasks allocated to those best suited to seeing that they get done. Some are done by groups (deep cleaning the kitchen, announced in the calendar) and others by individuals such as a retired electrician or a person with a passion for interior painting who are called in to fix problems or keep their eyes on the state of the walls.

The Communications Committee has several roles volunteers can play. Serving as a Committee Member is limited to those who are Church Members, as it is a decision making role. However anyone with skills, writers, photographers, word processors, reporters, and techies are joyously welcomed to use their particular talents for a few hours a month. There are even a few jobs for the “unskilled,” such as dealing with the print version of the newsletter, photocopying and preparing for mailing and handing out at services.

Several Committees are always eager for more help, be it on the committee or as a “worker bee.” The Art, Religious Exploration,  and Membership Committees as well as the Caring Circle always have tasks needing to be done.

Rental Ambassadors are folks intimately familiar with the building and able to make those who rent our facilities feel at home and thoroughly aware of their responsibilities as renters and all our rental policies.

I'd Like to Volunteer

We are happy to learn that you would like to volunteer you time and talents!