Join Inclusive Arts Vermont (IAV) to explore CYCLES! Saturday, July 27,  2:30 – 3:30 pm at All Souls Church. This show features the work of 25 Vermont artists with disabilities. It also includes access like verbal description, tactile elements, large print, braille and quiet space. IAV staff will be available during this time to share more about … Continue reading Explore CYCLES with IAV

All Souls UU Church Hosts Art Workshop for Families August 17 As the culmination of  Inclusive Arts Vermont’s CYCLES exhibit featuring work by 25 Vermont artists with disabilities, All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church in West Brattleboro is hosting an interactive workshop on Saturday, August 17, at 2:30 pm. Admission is free, and the inclusive event is suitable … Continue reading CYCLES event with Inclusive Arts Vermont (IAV)

Join us after the worship service for ice cream, toppings and good cheer. This is in place of the Fourth Sunday breakfasts this summer.

Please join us for our Tagless Sale from 9 – 1. There will be a Wide and Wonderful array of items for sale from housewares to treasures. Find a gift or something you must have! Set up begins at 8:30 am Breakdown and take away until 3:00 pm

Join the RE and Membership Committees for an all Church Breakfast Social before the Sunday Service, every 4th Sunday of the month. Bring a breakfast dish or fruit, or just yourself; there’s sure to be plenty of food. Visit, make a card at the card-making table, or just have more coffee.