Climate Action Forum

Event Details

This event finished on 27 October 2019

The Book Club’s presentation at our August 25 Service, focusing on their reading of Bill McKibben’s book Falter  highlighted the extreme urgency of the climate crisis, and provoked discussion of what role All Souls Church might play in addressing it.   Is it enough for individuals to be involved in local groups that are working to improve the outlook for our planet?  What is the nature of each of these  organizations’ work, and how can we help?  Is there work that ASC can undertake on its own that won’t be “reinventing the wheel”?  And should we be looking at ways to support one another to prevent despair and burnout?  Come join SEAC in exploring these questions at our Climate Action Forum at 11:30 AM on Sunday, October 13 (after the Service) and on Oct. 27 for a follow-up.