For questions contact Marty Shaw.
Please Read (Even if you think this doesn’t apply to you!)
Our 2021 Fair “Welcome Spring” is Coming!
Outdoors: April 24th, 10am – 3pm Online: starting April 12th
Like so many things, the 2020 fair had to be canceled due to the pandemic, but we are back in business for 2021! Just like the Holiday Bazaar, our goal is to have a fun, friendly COVID-responsible outdoor event AND an inviting user-friendly on-line shop.
All Souls Church has been remarkably resilient during this pandemic and these fund-raisers contribute to our financial resources as we continue to be an active positive presence in our community.
This is one of those “many hands make light work “occasions! We are asking you look over our list of volunteer options and see if there is something you could do:
Spread the word!
Please let your friends and family know about “Welcome Spring” – both the outdoor and online event.
Contribute to our Inventory:
*Plants – Household plants that need to be re-homed Garden plants that can be shared Flower or vegetable starters
*Crafts, Art, Hobbies – Hand-crafted creations – Art, Pottery, Jewelry, Knitting, Crocheting, Sewing, Quilting, Photography, Papercrafts, Woodworking, Other?
*Edible Delights – Homemade Giftable Foods – All foods pre-packaged, please.
Please contact: Kay Lewis 802 254 1063
Special baked treats,
Jams & Jellies,
Pickles & Relishes,
Mason Jar mixes,
Herb Vinegars,
Baked Beans,
*Gift Baskets – No raffle this fair but we’d like to have some nice gift baskets to sell. Please create a basket (We have lots of theme ideas – just ask!) or donate items we can tuck into baskets we create.
Reminder – Donations for inventory need to be photographed for the on-line shop. Please deliver them to us as soon as possible – Much Appreciated!
In-person Help for April 24th
Set up – 8am
Clean up 3pm
Workers for Fair – 2-hour shifts available
Monday Mornings – Not Just for Crafters!
9:30am on Mondays at the church – Safe-distancing, masks, 1 person per table
(COVID caution means limited number of folks each time. See sign-up contact info below.)
Give a little loving attention to items created for the cancelled fair last Spring. Quality checks, sprucing up – Being in storage can take a toll!
On-line Shop – No tech or crafting expertise needed! Work from the comfort of your home!
Surely you have experienced on-line shopping?! A well-written description provides details and creates enthusiasm for the product. It is quite a project to get that information written up for each of our items for sale. Could you help with this job? We provide the facts – size, materials, etc., and you write a short, friendly description.
For more info or to sign-up: Contact: Kathy Squires 802 365 7388
Marty Shaw 207 615 5279