December Message from Rev. Telos Whitfield

“One light through many windows in different colors shines; one flame from many candles burns bright within our minds. One life to us is given, its seconds ours to spend;
how manifold its living and infinite its ends!
One God with many faces we meet on many roads, who dwells in holy places and lives in low abodes. One earth with many nations must share a common sun; a world of celebrations, a universe at one.” – Barbara Brannon

Dear Ones,
As we come to the close of a challenging year, we enter this season of waiting, celebration and community, and light, so much light! The common theme of Light is honored and celebrated in this time of year across traditions and the throughout the world. The lights of the Menorah are lit for the eight days of Hannukah to honor the history and power of ancient Jewish communities. Fires are kindled to honor Winter Solstice, and reaffirm our connection to our sacred earth and her seasons. And candles are lit each week in Advent wreaths on church and cathedral altars across the world to honor themes of hope, love, joy and peace in anticipation of the nativity and the birth of Jesus. Light is celebrated in Kwanzaa festivals and for Bodhi Day in honor of the enlightenment of Buddha. In this unique and special time of year, light in so many forms and traditions is honored and celebrated. I love seeing the candles in windows, the strings of brightly colored lights draped among the tree branches, a welcome opportunity to embrace light on so many levels. It is said that we are made of millions of particles of light, and this may indeed be true. Light comes in so many forms with its power to comfort and inspire, offering true and symbolic warmth, and connecting us to ancient communities and to a common source. Let us celebrate and honor the light within each of us, and welcome in this beautiful season, together!
Rev. Telos