Category: Featured

Postponed– Memorial for Bill Oates

This event has been postponed until springtime ———- A Memorial Gathering for Bill Oates, husband of church member Heide Bredfeldt, will be held on Saturday, January 8th from 2:00 to 5:00 PM at the River Garden/Marketplace in downtown Brattleboro. In lieu of flowers, donations are greatly appreciated:  Hospice, Groundworks Collaborative, or any service organization dear to … Continue reading Postponed– Memorial for Bill Oates

Reopening Task Force

The Reopening Task Force met Nov. 19 to discuss guidelines for the upcoming introduction of hybrid services. You can find the meeting minutes here.

Reopening Task Force

The Reopening Task Force met Nov. 10 to discuss guidelines for the upcoming introduction of hybrid services. You can find the meeting minutes here.

Delight at the Ice Cream Social … being together again is even better than ice cream!

Catching up with one another at the All Souls Ice Cream Social on July 22 brought beautiful smiles to everyone’s faces. This photo of Tom Baehr, Jamie Gibson, and Lois Reynolds offers proof that a social event was a  perfect way to ease back into gathering in person.  It may have helped that the morning’s … Continue reading Delight at the Ice Cream Social … being together again is even better than ice cream!