Category: Featured

50th Anniversary Planning

50th Anniversary Planning – Soup & Chat on December 8th Please join members of the 50th Anniversary Planning Committee to brainstorm ideas of how we might celebrate this upcoming anniversary of the establishment and move to the West Village Meeting House. An informal chat will take place after the Sunday service. Soup, bread and dessert … Continue reading 50th Anniversary Planning

Climate Action Forum: The Role of All Souls Church

The Book Club’s presentation at our August 25 service, focusing on their reading of Bill McKibben’s book “Falter,”  highlighted the extreme urgency of the climate crisis, and provoked discussion of what role All Souls Church might play in addressing it.   Is it enough for individuals to be involved in local groups that are working … Continue reading Climate Action Forum: The Role of All Souls Church

Copans, Taggard and Fitzpatrick Fall Art Exhibit at The Meetinghouse

Each fall for the past several seasons, the gallery spaces at All Souls Church have been filled with blessings of Peace in the form of Stuart Copans’ papercuts and paintings of the Hebrew word “Shalom” and its Arabic equivalent “Salaam.” This 10th Annual Papercuts and Peace exhibit during September and October 2019 is titled PEACE—INSIDE … Continue reading Copans, Taggard and Fitzpatrick Fall Art Exhibit at The Meetinghouse

ASC Picnic

All Souls Church Picnic/BBQ at Townshend Lake/Dam Come join All Souls at the Third Annual Church Picnic/BBQ in Townshend on Sat August 17 starting at noon, Davis Pavillion, the 1st one. There are picnic tables, shade, playground, and close to bathrooms and beach. There are grills if you want to BBQ (your own meat) and/or … Continue reading ASC Picnic

Highlights from General Assembly

The Unitarian Universalist Association convened our 58th General Assembly of congregations in Spokane, Washington—a five-day event running from Wednesday, June 19, to Sunday, June 23. Nearly 2,600 people attended from 541 congregations. Attending from All Souls Church were Jamie Gibson and Marty Shaw, serving as delegates empowered to vote on the UUA’s annual business, and … Continue reading Highlights from General Assembly

A brief history of All Souls Church

Charles Butterfield has compiled an excellent overview of the history of All Souls Church, beginning in the early 1790s when the Rev. Hosea Ballou, “Father of Universalism in America,” preached to a small gathering in West Brattleboro. His narrative covers a lot of ground from there until 2019. You can read his history here.