Two Steps Forward… One Step Back?
Reflections from the President
I couldn’t stop thinking of the above quote when I received the email that a water main had cracked beneath our newly paved driveway which caused temporary closure of the drive and disrupted programming in the building for a day. Many gallons of water pouring under the paving had caused portions of the drive to collapse. Fortunately the Brattleboro Public Works crew repaired the broken pipe and within a day had brought dirt and gravel to smooth the driveway. Orange caution cones are on the drive which is single lane for that section. We expect that paving will be done in the spring to repair the damaged portion.
We have scarcely had time to celebrate our accomplishment of paving the drive! And, we are still in the process of thanking people for their gifts and scheduling a few more fundraisers to cover the original driveway expense. There is a quote by advertising businessman Joey Reiman, “The road to success just might be your driveway.” The driveway has certainly required quite a bit of attention this year and a good driveway makes it possible for many to access our building.
As we begin February, the Board will gather for a retreat to discuss several topics that are important to the congregation. We will begin review of the landscape plan developed by Conway student Sara Ozawa. We will also revisit our committee structure and consider ways to strengthen the various groups that carry out the work and mission of the congregation.
On Saturday, February 11, Daniel Kasnitz is coordinating a pre-Valentine’s Day music event as a driveway fundraiser. There will be music, dancing, delicious chocolate themed snacks, and an art table to craft your own Valentine cards. This should be a wonderful gathering of All Souls folks and friends from the area community. Make sure to put this date on your calendar!
In spite of recent snow storms, the Board is looking ahead to spring events, knowing that we need to prepare for our Annual Meeting to be held on May 21. Upcoming activities include our annual Stewardship Campaign, budget development, preparation of the annual report and nominations for elected positions. Many in the congregation will be asked to weigh in by preparing committee budget requests, reviewing the draft budget, writing of committee reports, and thoughtfully considering service in an elected position.
For me, the success of All Souls Church is embodied by the generosity of spirit and the care that this congregation shows to each other, our church home, and the larger community as we act on our convictions of inclusion and social and environmental justice.
With blessings,