Message from Rev. Telos for February 2025

Soul Fire by anastasi birosh

As we light this flame of hope,

May our congregation become a kaleidoscope

Of souls and people.

In the presence of this flame,

In me, in you, in us,

is an invitation to sit at the table.

May we tend our Soul Fire

Through these challenging and trying times

To open the hearts and minds

Of all who enter our doors

Dear ones,

Yes, we are living in uncertain times, so we need to tend our Soul Fire, we need to accept the invitation to sit at our table together. And perhaps the world, the times have always felt uncertain at least on a personal level; for we cannot predict how our lives might change. Even when the outer world feels safe and secure, something we can rely on, our inner selves can be grappling with challenges and unknowing. What do I begin now? How do I, do we continue?  We do carry on because we need to, because it is part of living. It is who we are. Even as we live through the uncertainty and challenge of political leaders making decisions that negatively impact so many people, we continue on. Even through pulling of protections for animals and lands, oceans and human beings, destruction of wilderness and fires and violence that rages on, we can look to the solace and strength of this dear community. Let us allow ourselves to be vulnerable, to share our truth, to let those around us know if we are hurting or struggling. Through sharing how we are truly feeling, we draw closer to each other. It can begin to feel like we are not alone. 


This is a deeper energy force that runs through every living thing that we can tap into. Our SoulMatters theme for February is Inclusion so let us contemplate this idea, this goal of what true inclusion means. What would the world be if the reality that all living beings needed to be considered within a network of inclusion? And if we bring inclusiveness down to the local, community level, then how can we widen the doors, our legislation, our decisions in order to include everyone? It seems that the barrier to embracing inclusion begins with fear – fear of difference, fear of scarcity of resources, fear of…? Beneath fears we can name, might live longing, a longing from within us to be fully embraced and accepted, celebrated for who we are and what we bring. We cannot allow power being wielded to scare us away from important work we can do, actions we can take, solidarity with other faith communities. Courage, with “cur”/ love as its root meaning, is a more powerful force than fear.  May All Souls Church continue to be a community where we hold each other in an inclusive embrace and extend that to everyone who comes through our doors. Finding hope and inspiration in these times of uncertainty will

carry us through, give us courage and allow us to begin again.                   


With love, Rev. Telos