What We Offer Through the Lifespan


Encouraging Faith Formation at All Souls is the primary task of the Religious Exploration Committee,  which is transforming it’s mission from providing conventional Sunday School and Nursery Care, to a broader program which introduces people of all ages to our church community, its principles, the worship services, and activities which knit us together.

Uniting All Souls’ programs for adults and children, into a coherent whole which invites families and individuals to enjoy learning is new to us, and we invite all who are interested to contact us about getting involved.

At this point a number of committees offer educational opportunities, as does the Adult Book Group.  These are announced in the Monthly newsletter and weekly e-blast.

Supporting parents in bringing up their children in ways which are consistent with Unitarian Universalism is one of our major goals. We offer a library of useful materials, have articles and links on this website, and provide a range of activities for people of all ages to share in.

When we have in-person Sunday services, there is a small nursery area In the Church Parlor where those under age 3 can spend the time with toys and books while services are being held in the Sanctuary.  If their parents wish to stay with them, the service is piped into the space via speakers. Supervision by other adults is also possible.

For children of preschool age and up, parents are encouraged to begin to introduce them to worship services as well as introducing them to some of our special opportunities.  Each service usually begins with music, a chalice lighting, and a story for all ages (usually a picture story book).

There are opportunities for teens beyond attending worship services on Sundays and all parents or teens need do is introduce themselves and we will work with their families to provide various opportunities ranging from social justice and volunteerism to the Our Whole Lives (OWL) curriculum and intergenerational activities.