Our Holiday Bazaar is a fundraising event that involves almost every member in some way. It was started sometime in the 1980s. Mary Dunham, with her great talent in growing things and leading people, was one of the key organizers. The event drew many people from the wider community who came for the beautiful, all natural wreathes, the crafts and baked goods, the luncheon, and a glimpse of Santa. For many years, Charles Butterfield played carols at the piano. Following are some photos from early years.
Ruth Lane stands at the craft table. Santa, Ruth Lane and a daughterEarly Bazaar workers, from left, Carol Barber, Targ Spicer, Ruth Lane, Barb Smith, Jean Gorsuch, Gay Maxwell, Barbara Greenwood.Barbara Pfeil and Mary Hunt examine knitted goods.Barbara Pfeil helps gather greens, which were donations from Dan MacArthur and Andea McAuslan.An example of the justly famous wreaths for sale. Workers often sold 60 wreathes a year.The 2020 Bazaar was a little different. Above, standing six feet apart, are Rev. Telos Whitfield, Marty Shaw and Kathy Squires outdoors in the entrance to the West Village Meeting House.