“A Home for the Holidays”
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Order of Service
Sunday, December 7, 2021
Announcements and Board Greeting Robert Wyckoff
Prelude: “I wonder as I wander” Appalachian carol
Peter Gibbons, viola; Eva Greene, piano
Chalice Lighting adapted from Erika A. Hewitt
The chalice arose as a sign of promise
that the marginalized would neither be forgotten nor ignored,
because they are beloved and precious from the perspective of the Holy.
This morning, we remember all of the people
who have been told explicitly—
or implicitly, through police violence or government policy;
through derision or dehumanization;
that they’re anything less than whole; anything less than beloved.
As we light this chalice,
may we make of our lives a beacon:
a symbol of our promise to draw the circle wide;
a sign that we will not rest until “all” means all.
Opening Words Karen Tyler
Opening Hymn #300 With Heart and Mind
lyrics: Alicia Carpenter; melody: Mach’s Mit Mir, Gott
sung by Marie Gorst
Reading: “Coming Home” by Mary Oliver
Special Music: “Solstice Song” Alouette Iselin; arr. by Peter Amidon
sung by Jan, George, Steve, and Eva
Story for All Ages: “December” by Eve Bunting
read by Ellie Weiss
Offering Guest Speaker: Josh Davis, Executive Director, Groundworks Collaborative
Offertory: “An Inhabited Garden”
written and played by Tom Baehr, from his album, “Ancient Echoes”
Candles of Joys and Concerns
Reading: “A Shakespearean Sonnet About Doors” by Ian McMillan
It’s not much to ask. Just a door to lock.
A door that won’t break when someone kicks it.
Door with a keyhole. Respond to that knock
Or not. My choice. It’s broke so let’s fix it:
The world, I mean. Not the door. That’s ok.
It’s my door, to my room. Look: here’s the key.
The world, though. That’s different. Somewhere to stay
Is what we all need. Somewhere to be me
And not just someone you blithely ignore
When you see me sleeping on the street.
Let’s begin with this. A door. Just a door
To start with. A door. Food. Then light and heat.
The world must respond to this simple truth:
Let’s all have a door. Let’s all have a roof.
Closing Hymn #347 “Gather the Spirit” Jim Scott
sung by Christina Gibbons
Extinguishing the Chalice
We extinguish this flame, but we carry it in our hearts to lighten the darkness of winter and to bring hope to those who despair
Closing Circle: “Carry the Flame of Peace and Love” (sung two times)
Benediction Karen Tyler
“It is in your hands to create a better world for all who live in it.”
Nelson Mandela
Coffee Hour and Conversation