Being Restorative: Reimagining the World

Sunday, July 14th  – Being Restorative: Reimagining the World  led by the Revs. Telos Whitfield and Leaf Seligman. Leaf recently published a new book, Being Restorative exploring how a restorative worldview heal our world. Leaf and Telos share a life-long dedication to Peace work, and will share experiences of how this work has transformed their lives. Leaf is trying hard to listen to the wisdom of the trees and spread tenderness wherever she goes, as is Telos.

**Our Service will be followed by a Listening Circle, where we can practice the four restorative verbs: notice, wonder, acknowledge, appreciation


We anticipate that this service will be both in-person and on Zoom. Click right here Sunday shortly before 10 a.m. to join via Zoom. Click here to read our protocols


Click here to find the Order of Service