Compassion, Care and Commitment-Journey of a New Year

Click right here Sunday shortly before 10:00 AM to join our online service.

We have been through a long year of living through a pandemic, working for justice, and holding each other with care and compassion. We will explore writer and theologian Karen Armstrong’s steps toward living a more compassionate life and reflect on our year together.

Our service will be followed by our Annual Meeting!


Compassion, Care and Commitment-Journey of a New Year” with Rev. Telos Whitfield

Click right here Sunday shortly before 10:00 AM to join our online service.

Order of Service
Sunday, May 16, 2021

Welcome                                                     Rev. Telos Whitfield

Announcements                                                            Marie Gorst

Prelude    ” Berceuse” from Dolly Suite by Gabriel Faure
Eva Greene, piano

Chalice  Lighting                                          Cathie Creed
With the lighting of our chalice, we celebrate the many gifts of our community – inspiration, caring, connection. We honor our collective history and craft our new vision, together.

Opening Words                                              Rev. Telos Whitfield

Opening Hymn #347  “Gather the Spirit”    Jim Scott
 sung by Catie G. Berg
Story For All of Us     “Because”     by Mo Willem 

Sharing Our Affirmation

“Love is the spirit of this congregation and
service is its call. Let this be our covenant:
to dwell together in peace,
to seek the truth in love,
and to help one another.”

New Member Ceremony

Hymn  “I Am Willing”      Holly Near
sung by George Carvill, Bob Wyckoff, Steve Squires
directed by Bob Wyckoff

Sermon – Compassion, Care and Commitment-Journey of a New Year

Closing Hymn #1018   “Come and Go With Me” trad. African American spiritual
performed and produced by Steve Squires

Offering  shared with Youth Services

Offertory   “By and By” (we will understand it better) Charles Albert Tindley
Eva Greene, piano
Blessing of our Candles of Joy and Concern

Closing Words                                               Rev. Telos Whitfield

Chalice Extinguishing                                Meg Baker 

by Rev. Elizabeth Selle Jones 

We extinguish our chalice but not the light of truth, the warmth of community or the fire of commitment. These we carry in our hearts until we are together again.

Closing Circle and song
“Carry the flame of peace and love until we meet again” (sung 2 times)

Conversation and Coffee Hour