“Hold Fast to Dreams”

A festival of songs — Do What Must Be Done, Hope Lingers On, We Are…–and readings about unlocking the power of sleep and dreams. Featuring our talented musicians Steve, George, Marie, Ellie, Catie, and guests. Sweet dreams, everyone. Coordinated by Eva Greene.

We anticipate that this service will be both in-person and on Zoom. Click right here Sunday shortly before 10:00 a.m. to join via Zoom. Click here to read our protocols

“Hold Fast to Dreams
Worship Leader:Eva Greene

Greeter: Carla Fogg

Order of Service
Sunday, August 6, 2023

Board Welcome & Announcements                                        Elizabeth Lewis

Prelude    Hold Fast to Dreams   Langston Hughes
Catie G. Berg, soprano

Chalice Lighting for Music Sunday   by Marnie Singer
  Mary Moriarty, reader

Lighting Our Children’s Chalice
We light this chalice to celebrate Unitarian Universalism. We are the church of the open minds. We are the church of the helping hands. We are the church of the loving hearts.
Opening Hymn  Over My Head   (civil rights version)
led by Amiliah & Greg Hefele
Over my head, I hear music in the air…(3x)
There must be a God somewhere
I hear singing everywhere…(3x)
I hear freedom in the air…(3x)

Poem  “I Dreamed in a Dream”  read by Orion Barber
            from Leaves of Grass, Walt Whitman (1887)
I dream’d in a dream, I saw a city
invincible to the attacks
of the whole of the rest of the earth.
I dream’d that was the new City of Friends;
Nothing was greater there
than the quality of robust love—it led the rest;
It was seen every hour in the actions of the men of that city,
And in all their looks and words.

When you were born, you cried     Navajo prayer (insert)
Marie Gorst, Diana Clark, George Carvill & Ellie Weiss

 Story for All Ages   Drum City   Thea Guidone/Vanessa Newton,
read by Ellie Weiss

Hymn #1051  We Are            Ysaye Barnwell  
Steve Squires, Marie Gorst, George Carvill, Ellie Weiss,
Daniel Kasnitz, Eva Greene

 Review of  Why We  Sleep: the Power of Sleep and Dreams  
            by Matthew Walker (2017)  
Eva Greene

Offering shared with The Minister’s Discretionary Fund
  Canción No. 9   Federico Mompou

Blessing our candles of joys and concerns       
Mary Moriarty.

Hymn #1019  Everything Possible   Fred Small
   Steve Squires, voice & guitar

Extinguishing the Chalice          
Mary Moriarty

*Closing Circle “Carry the Flame of Peace and Love”  (sung 2 times)
*Please join in standing as you are able.

Amiliah & Greg Hefele, Marie Gorst, Diana Clark, George Carvill, Ellie Weiss and Steve Squires

 Bradley Hunt, George Carvill & Janis Chaillou