“How Do We Hear? The Art of Listening”
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Order of Service
Sunday, October 25, 2020
ASC Board Greeting/Welcome and Announcements
Prelude Variations XIV and XV on a Corelli theme Sergei Rachmaninoff
Chalice Lighting
With the kindling of our flame, we open our ears and hearts to all we can hear. From the whisper of wind to the rustling of leaves, the call of birds and the words of our friends and dear ones. May true listening be our practice and guide.
Opening Words
Hymn # 348 Guide My Feet trad. spiritual
sung by Bob Wyckoff
Story for All Ages Crow Boy by Tara Nashima
Anthem Crossing the Bar
poem by Alfred, Lord Tennyson, music by Charles H.H. Parry
All Souls Church Choir, conducted by Tom Baehr
Responsive Reading
Listening Is an Act of the Heart by Leslie Takahashi
One: Listening is not an act of the ear, listening is an act of the heart.
Many: In these times when so much speaks: outrage, anger, disillusionment.
One: Rage is a constant cry. Derision has found his voice. The despair of the fair and faithful speaks fast and often. The whisper of despair grows into a keening lament.
Many: Open our hearts to the real fears of those who have known hate because they are our guides to its insidious expansiveness.
One: Open our memories to those ancestors of our spirits who were love-seekers, peace-makers, truth-guiders, system-questioners.
And listen, because—
Many: Listening is an act of our hearts.
One: Do not ignore the soul pain of the ones who move through the hardest nights, who face the denial of their rights and the desecration of their humanity. Do not forget those too dispossessed of a language of mastery and the countless forms of life who do not count humanity as their family and yet who are within our larger circle of interdependence.
Many: Open our hearts to the true threats that many feel.
One: Open our minds to the anguish of those who need accompaniment.
Many: Open our memories to those who came before us and taught us how to create new forms of love out of the old worn patterns.
One: And listen, because—
Many: Listening is an act of our hearts.
Listening is an act of our hearts.
Sermon: The Art of Listening
Hymn #112 “Do You Hear”
Emily Thorn (words); William Caldwell’s Union Harmony
Catie Berg, soprano
Offering shared with The Commons
Offertory “Autumn” from The Seasons Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
arranged for quintet by Takemits
Blessing the Candles of Joy and Concern
Unison Affirmation
Hymn #396 “I Know This Rose Will Open”
A Round by Mary Grigolia, words & music
sung by Marie Gorst and Steve Squires
Extinguishing the Chalice
We extinguish this flame but not the light of truth,
The warmth of community, or the fire of commitment.
These we carry in our hearts until we are together again.
Closing Words
Closing Circle Song
“Carry the flame of peace and love until we meet again.”
(sung 2 times)
Conversation and Coffee Hour