
Join us for a special service presented by our friends at Theatre Adventure, with whom we will be sharing our Sunday offerings for the month of May.  This wonderful group has been, since 2004, a caring and creative community for artists with disabilities to claim the stage with distinction, and we are always delighted to host and support them. Their Traveling Troupe will be helping to lead this service.

We anticipate that this service will be both in-person and on Zoom. Click right here Sunday shortly before 10:00 a.m. to join via Zoom. Click here to read our protocols

Worship Service
Sunday, May 5, 2024

led by Theatre Adventure

Gathering Music:  Song: “Gather in Love” music/slideshow

Board Greeting and Announcements:  Jamie Gibson

Musical Prelude:  Song: “Friendship Nation” (all dance)

Chalice Lighting:   Josh Blaushild reads

Belonging is a basic human need.  It is the belief that we are connected, supported, and respected.

Children’s Chalice:

We light this chalice to celebrate Unitarian Universalism.
We are the church of the open minds.
We are the church of the helping hands.
We are the church of the loving hearts.

Opening Words:   

Thank you for inviting us to visit! I am Laura Lawson Tucker and together with Darlene Jenson, in 2004 we created Theatre Adventure for people with disabilities to honor their artist within and to help create feelings of belonging for all. We became a resident partner with ASC in the fall of 2012

Alauna- Crystal Ball

Laura- Let’s introduce the Troupe!

We are here to explore the topic of BELONGING.  People with disabilities need to have feelings of belonging. All people need to have feelings of belonging.

We are wondering: When you have a sense of belonging, what are your feelings?

*Hymn/Song:  Music-Video: “Sasswoman” (all dance)

Reading:  Belonging Dance: “Tess Song: A Ballad of Belonging”

Anthem: “Elijah and His Brook”, poem by Leslie Kinney, music by Tom Baehr

All Souls Choir, Tom Baehr, Director 

Story For All Ages: Susan- Eagle Story as told with a puppet

Offering Guest Speakers: 

Brian- Everyone needs to feel supported, secure, welcome, and appreciated.

KatharineFeelings of belonging builds a culture of inclusion for all.

Alauna: Belonging grows resilience which helps us during times of hardship.

Jess: Poem

Alauna: Sings “Frustration” song

Inviting the Offering:  Karen Tyler

Offertory:  Waltz, Op. 39.2, Johannes Brahms Eva Greene, piano 

Joys and Concerns:  Karen Tyler

Reading: Darlene: “Belonging comes from being yourself and being seen.”

-Melissa Mara Wilkins

Extinguishing the Chalice:  Theatre Adventure 

When all our voices are heard
When we feel at home.
Fills us up with belonging
We can look forward to each day
Seeing friends and making new ones
A connection as we smile
Feeling happy, feeling safe, feeling heard, feeling at home.

*Closing Hymn/Song:   “Gonna Have Fun” (all dance)

*Closing Circle: Karen



We dream, we belong, we breathe—our breath returns us home to our core, to our center, to our inner fires of imagination. These fires give life to our dreams as we venture out with feelings of belonging…

Refreshment and Conversation

*Please rise in body or spirit