Summer can be a time of peace, contemplation, joy and reunion with friends and family, it can offer a time of healing and renewal. Even if we do not travel beyond our own yards, it can be a time to appreciate the abundance of green and growth! Join us as we travel and explore this path of summer.
We anticipate that this service will be both in-person and on Zoom. Click right here Sunday shortly before 10:00 a.m. to join via Zoom. Click here to read our protocols
“Following a Summer Path”
with Rev. Telos Whitfield & Jody McAssey
Greeter: Kathy Squires
Order of Service
Sunday, July 16, 2023
Greeting Rev. Telos
Board Welcome & Announcements Carla Fogg
Prelude Rumores de la caleta, Op 71:6 (excerpt) Isaac Albéniz
Eva Greene, piano
Chalice Lighting by Kimberlee Ann Tomczek Carlson Jody McAssey
Recognizing the beauty around us and within us, in voice and spirit, we gather to light our chalice.
May we savor the beauty of our abundance and diversity, always cherishing one another and our earth.
May we remember to inhale the lushness in life knowing that we are a people of beauty.
Lighting Our Children’s Chalice
We light this chalice to celebrate Unitarian Universalism. We are the church of the open minds. We are the church of the helping hands. We are the church of the loving hearts.
Call to Worship Rev. Telos
Opening Song #188 Come, Come, Whoever You Are
Time For All of Us: The Path by Bob Staake
Sharing Our Covenant
“We build our church on a foundation of love,
and covenant with one another:
to freely explore our values and honor our diversity
as a source of communal strength,
to accept responsibility for our individual acts
and promote justice and peace,
to celebrate the joys of discovery,
embracing the fullest measure of our humanity,
to communicate with kindness and support,
to serve with compassion and commitment,
to openly share our laughter and tears, and
to show reverence for the divine in all that is.”
(Covenant adopted on April 17, 2001)
Following a Summer Path Rev. Telos
Sharing a Reading – The Way by Edwin Muir
Reflection Jody McAssey and Eva Greene
music: Album Leaf, Alexander Scriabin
Singing Together STJ#1009 Meditation on Breathing
Offering shared with The Ministers Discretionary Fund
Offertory: “Hold Fast to Dreams…
… for when dreams die,
life is a broken wing’d bird that cannot fly
Hold fast to dreams, for when dreams go
Life is a barren field frozen with snow.”
by Langston Hughes
Eva Greene, piano
Blessing Our Candles of Joys and Sorrows
Closing Song STJ # 1020 Woyaya
Extinguishing the Chalice words of Thich Nhat Hanh Jody McAssey
As we extinguish our flame, let us remember that “Peace is present right here and now, in ourselves and in everything we do and see. Every breath we take, every step we take, can be filled with peace, joy, and serenity. The question is whether or not we are in touch with it. We need only to be awake, alive in the present moment.”
Closing Circle: “Carry the flame of peace and love
Until we meet again.” (sung two times)
Benediction Rev. Telos