Speaker: Rev. Telos Whitfield

The Heart of Courage led by Rev. Telos Whitfield

There are conflicts all around our planet, wars and struggles and within our own lives and selves. We will explore how to build courage within ourselves to engage in conversation and actions that promote peace and healing.  We anticipate that this service will be both in-person and on Zoom. Click right here Sunday shortly before 10:00 … Continue reading The Heart of Courage led by Rev. Telos Whitfield

“Liberating Covenant of Love” led by Rev. Telos Whitfield. 

We build our church on a foundation of love and covenant with one another…. Our Committee on Ministry has been the keeper of our covenant so we continue to explore its intimacy, power and significance, breathing life into this living document that guides our community! **Community Conversation – Sharing Our Spiritual Home, 11:30am led by … Continue reading “Liberating Covenant of Love” led by Rev. Telos Whitfield. 

“Sharing the Light of Our Community – Our Christmas Eve Candlelight Service “

Join us for this holiday service of music and song, readings and candlelight as we celebrate Christmas Eve together! We will join our voices in song, hear special music offered by our All Souls choir and musicians, and honor the Light of our community! We anticipate that this service will be both in-person and on … Continue reading “Sharing the Light of Our Community – Our Christmas Eve Candlelight Service “

 “A Time of Waiting, A Longing for Peace” led by Rev. Telos Whitfield.

In this Advent season, a time of waiting and preparations, imagining what gifts we might offer to another, be it deep listening, compassion, a voice for justice, a prayer for healing, the energy of peace. We will honor the 75th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Greeter: Kathy Squires  We anticipate that this … Continue reading  “A Time of Waiting, A Longing for Peace” led by Rev. Telos Whitfield.

Pride in our Larger Faith Community – Conversations, Learning and Change!

We will celebrate the essence of who we are, recall the legacy and commitment to our UU Principles and Sources, adopted in 1987, and changes being explored through voices of youth and elders at the national level of our faith. We anticipate that this service will be both in-person and on Zoom. Click right here Sunday … Continue reading Pride in our Larger Faith Community – Conversations, Learning and Change!