Tag: REComm

Getting Together

We would love to see you before, after or outside of services. Saturday Women’s Gathering: Our gathering uses a modified Small Group model of check-in and discussion. Bring your questions and share in our search for answers to Life’s Great Mysteries. We encourage all women, whether you are a newcomer or a long-time friend, to join … Continue reading Getting Together

Childrens’ Programming

Religious Exploration (RE)  After a lull in our children’s programing over the holidays,we are back up and running. In January we had a delightful puppet making Zoom party.  You can see some pictures on other part of the Website. There was much laughter and loads of creativity. In February, an online Valentine making party will … Continue reading Childrens’ Programming

The ASC Book Group

The ASC  Book Group is a friendly, informal group of members and friends who meet to discuss eclectic and challenging titles in categories such as ecology, health, history of religion, and local fiction.   We look for books that challenge our minds and nourish our UU spirits.  One title often leads to another. Here is … Continue reading The ASC Book Group

Religious Exploration Committee

The work of the Religious Exploration (RE) Committee is to provide members of the congregation of all ages an opportunity to learn more about Unitarian Universalism, to enjoy the process of learning with other members of the congregation, and to support families as they bring up their children to be part of the church family. … Continue reading Religious Exploration Committee

Kids’ Principles

Unitarian Universalists have many ways of articulating our seven Principles in simpler language. Here’s the way our Tapestry of Faith children’s programs describe them: We believe that each and every person is important. We believe that all people should be treated fairly and kindly. We believe that we should accept one another and keep on learning … Continue reading Kids’ Principles


For our children 5 and older we are now offering Religious Exploration RE, at 9:00 am before the Sunday church service. We follow the curriculum, Soul Matters, which is also used for many of the Sunday services.  The children are with 2 adults in the upstairs for their class program.  Parents can enjoy coffee and … Continue reading Families

Holidays and Traditions

As Unitarian Universalists, we at All Souls honor and celebrate a wide range of holidays and occasions over the course of a year.  Unlike other faith traditions that regularly use a collection of scripture readings appointed for a given day or occasion, the topics and themes for Unitarian Universalist holiday worship services are usually chosen independently … Continue reading Holidays and Traditions

UU Principles and Sources

Unitarian Universalist congregations affirm and promote seven Principles, which we hold as strong values and moral guides. As Rev. Barbara Wells ten Hove explains, “The Principles are not dogma or doctrine, but rather a guide for those of us who choose to join and participate in Unitarian Universalist religious communities.” They are: The inherent worth and … Continue reading UU Principles and Sources

Adult Programs

The ASC Book Group All adults who enjoy discussing thought provoking books are welcome to join this self directed group.  Not all of those who attend are part of the Church.  At present they meet on Wednesday afternoons at 4 pm, but that is subject to change, by a vote of the group. Check the ASC … Continue reading Adult Programs