Category: From The Leadership

From Rev. Telos Whitfield

Dear Ones,  As a faith community,  we send our healing and prayers across our country to the families of Avalde, Texas. We mourn the deaths of nineteen children and two teachers after this tragic shooting. This tragedy weighs on our hearts and we grieve… As with past shootings, it is a cry for action and … Continue reading From Rev. Telos Whitfield

President’s Message for June

100th Annual Meeting!  Reflections from the President On May 22nd we held our 100th Annual Meeting as a UU Congregation in Brattleboro, VT.  The church’s history dates back to the early 1790’s but the joining together of the Unitarian and Universalist Congregations of Brattleboro occurred in 1922.  We celebrated this milestone with a robust Annual … Continue reading President’s Message for June

We can sing — with masks on

The Board approved the following updated COVID protocols at the end of March: The choir may resume live performances whenever they are ready, under the following conditions: The singers wear masks, N95 or equivalent OR, a singer may perform unmasked if the individual  passes a rapid antigen test earlier the same morning. Members of the … Continue reading We can sing — with masks on

In-person services are a go

Dear ASC Members and Friends – As planned, our long-awaited start to Hybrid Services will begin this Sunday, March 13.  However, we realize that it has intersected with a winter storm and the start of Daylight Savings Time (remember to turn your clocks ahead)! The leadership at All Souls wants you to stay safe when inclement … Continue reading In-person services are a go