Category: News

I-91 Fundraiser a Success!

Thanks to the efforts of many who donated time, talents, food, and smiles for the hungry travelers. Travelers headed for a variety of destinations and activities, stopped to refuel, enjoying every thing from fresh home-made doughnuts and blueberry muffins to made-to-order sandwiches as well as hot and cold beverages. Fresh fruit and veggies were very popular, … Continue reading I-91 Fundraiser a Success!

Virtual Art Gallery Enhanced

As we learn to live better virtually, we can’t forget art. While we can’t look at the exhibits in the church foyer on Sunday mornings, we can get a closer look via the web page. Click on the main picture on the home page, or click right here, to see the virtual gallery.

Works by Simi Berman

Works by Simi Berman No longer on exhibit is the new work of local artist Simi Berman who has been an artist for many years. Her work has included illustration, ceramic sculpture , oil painting and collage. She has exhibited her ceramics and humorous prints and cards at the Sharon Arts Center in NH, her … Continue reading Works by Simi Berman

News from the Pews 6/21

Spiritual Writing Begins Tuesday June 23rd at 7:30pm! The new program of Spiritual Writing begins this coming Tuesday evening, June 23rd, on Zoom.  Using writing as a tool, we will take time to open to our inner lives and nourish our spirits.  If you have been wondering if this program is for you, get in … Continue reading News from the Pews 6/21

Annual Meeting

On Sunday, June 9, the Annal Meeting will be held by Zoom at 1 p.m. The agenda and reports will be sent out in advance. The meeting will include votes on the 1st Quarter Budget, proposed Nominations to Board, Nominating Committee and Auditor and receipt of Annual Reports. Registration is required for this meeting, In … Continue reading Annual Meeting