Category: News

Opening Reception for Sylvia Chun Yin Ryder’s Summer Exhibit

On Saturday, July 6, from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m., the All Souls Arts Committee invites church members, friends, and the general public to an opening reception for “Bitter & Sweet: An Artist’s Journey,” the new show installed in the church’s foyer and other gallery spaces through the end of August.. Featured artist Sylvia Chun Yin … Continue reading Opening Reception for Sylvia Chun Yin Ryder’s Summer Exhibit

Highlights from General Assembly

The Unitarian Universalist Association convened our 58th General Assembly of congregations in Spokane, Washington—a five-day event running from Wednesday, June 19, to Sunday, June 23. Nearly 2,600 people attended from 541 congregations. Attending from All Souls Church were Jamie Gibson and Marty Shaw, serving as delegates empowered to vote on the UUA’s annual business, and … Continue reading Highlights from General Assembly

Ah, summer!

As we begin the summer I feel blessed by this wonderful community. I have recently been asked who comprises the Board of Trustees starting July 1.  The board will be: Ed Burke, president; Leslie Kinney, vice president; Catie G. Berg, clerk; Sarah Lott, treasurer; and Marie Gorst, Maisie Crowther and Suzann Jones, members at large. … Continue reading Ah, summer!

A Fine Gathering

We had a fine gathering last Sunday for our 97th, yes 97th, annual meeting. Far more than the needed quorum were in attendance, with a great many also represented by proxy. The upshot for me was the election of the new slate of board members joining me: Leslie Kinney, vice president; Sarah Lott, treasurer; Catie … Continue reading A Fine Gathering

Pete’s 100th Singalong Concert May 12

The Pete Seeger 100th birthday sing-along concert is just around the corner, with Emma’s Revolution, Peter Siegel, Sally Rogers, Annie Patterson and Peter Blood. Click here to get tickets. Read larger image here: Pete’s 100th info sheet

NNED Report From ASC President

On April 5 and 6, Marty Shaw, Jamie Gibson, Leslie Kinney and I attended the Northern New England District – UUA Annual Conference. Marty and I were the representative delegates from All Souls. The theme of the conference was “The Power of We”, which was intended to garner support for the dissolution of the NNED-UUA. … Continue reading NNED Report From ASC President

“Raising our Voices Together” – Theatre Adventure Program

Coming right up is the unveiling of our current Thursday Troupe tour de force, “Raising Our Voices Together!” The actors are thrilled to be “playing themselves” as they share their dreams, aspirations, work, and feelings about romance. This show is woven together with outstanding music written for the Troupe, with words informed by the actors … Continue reading “Raising our Voices Together” – Theatre Adventure Program