Category: News

Beverly Miller on BCTV

Our own Beverly Miller appeared recently as a guest on “Here We Are,” on BCTV, speaking movingly of grief, loss, and the Compassionate Friends organization. Folks in the ASC community might enjoy seeing this program.  Click here to have a look. — Karen Tyler

Say no to hate

Say no to hate: faith communities stand together Rev. Shayna Appel invites you to join with our friends and colleagues from the Interfaith and Brattleboro Area Jewish Communities at the “Acting on the Side of Love Vigil”  this Sunday, November 4th at 1:30 PM in front of the Center Congregational Church, 193 Main Street, Brattleboro, VT.  Please … Continue reading Say no to hate

Weekly view of calendar

The church calendar now has a “Week” button that gives a more detailed view of the calendar. Take a look here and then click Week. There is also a new Events listing under the News menu.

Honoring the Campbell Legacies 

Rev. Jeffrey W. Campbell was a Black minister who dedicated his many talents first to the Universalist denomination and then to the Unitarian Universalist denomination. Despite years of service, excellent references, and a quick mind, Rev. Campbell never found a full-time ministry. Instead, he had to defend himself and his sister from overtly racist attacks … Continue reading Honoring the Campbell Legacies